Our Staff
Committed to Providing the Big Sky Area with the Highest Quality Service
The Big Sky Fire Department is a career fire department that provides 24-hour coverage that is provided by members working 48 / 96 schedules.
Below is a list of our staff members, what positions they hold, and what year they began their career service with BSFD. All of our staff holds National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians certifications in addition to numerous other State of Montana and National pre-hospital emergency medical licenses and certifications. Where shown, NRP stands for Nationally Registered Paramedic and NREMT stands for Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician.
A Shift
Battalion Chief Jeff Bolton, NRP, 2017
Captain Mitch Hamel, NREMT, 2013
Captain Cory Phillips, NRP, 2017
Firefighter/Maint. Coord. Greg Clark, NRP, 2007
Firefighter Dan Skilling, NRP, 2021
Firefighter Matt Mohr, NREMT, 2006
Firefighter John Foster, NREMT, 2013
C Shift
Battalion Chief Stephen Pruiett, NRP, 2011
Captain Shane Farmer, NREMT, 2018
Captain Seth Nowlin, NREMT, 2017
Acting Captain Taylor Lee, NRP, 2018
Firefighter/Maint. Coord. Adam DuComb, NREMT, 2016
Firefighter Matt Kendziorski, NRP, 2015
Firefighter Zach Carney, NRP, 2021