Fire Safety Education

Fire Safety Programs
BSFD provides annual Child Fire Safety Programs at the Big Sky School District, Big Sky Discovery Academy and the Morningstar Learning Center. If you would like to have a presentation for your children’s group, please Contact BSFD.
Fire Station Tours
Fire station tours are available, if the firefighters are not already responding to incidents or assigned to other programs that take them out of the station. If you’d like to have a tour, it is best to call ahead at 995-2100 to make sure that there is staff available or you can stop in at our Station 1 in Westfork Meadows and see if we’re available.
Fire Safety Inspections
BSFD performs annual fire safety and fire code compliance inspections in the commercial occupancies of Big Sky. If you would like BSFD to come through your home or building and assist by providing fire safety advice, please call the office at 995-2100 to schedule an appointment.
Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Preparedness
The Big Sky Fire Department takes an active role in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) preparedness and provention in our community. BSFD personnel are always willing to consult with property owners regarding fire safety inside the home, in utilizing fire resistent construction materials during building as well as how to create defensible spaces around homes to lessen exposure during wildfires. Please contact BSFD for an on-site consultation visit.
Public Speaking
BSFD staff members are available for public speaking engagements. If you’d like to request someone to speak at your event, please contact our office.